Paper Beats World by Nicole Luttrell
March 8, 2019
Hey guys. I’m still on hiatus, but here’s an author interview from Linda Lingle, author of Dear Heart and Sweet Heart.
Tell us about your books.
Dear Heart and Sweet Heart are love stories about a couple who carry on a passionate affair and then are separated for nearly forty years. Dear Heart is told from the female character’s perspective and Sweet Heart is told from the male character’s perspective.
When did you realize that you were a writer?
When I published my first short story, many long years ago.
Do you have any books coming out this year?
I hope to finish Interoffice Romance so that it will launch this year, but I can’t promise that I will. At present, I have my hands full promoting Dear Heart and Sweet Heart, and that leaves little time for writing.
If readers are looking to connect with you, what’s the best way to do it?
What are you working on right now?
Interoffice Romance and a screenplay for Dear Heart.
Tell us about submitting your book. What was that like for you?
At first it was exciting, but I queried Dear Heart for two years before I found a publisher, so after awhile I realized that I either had to self-publish, which I didn’t want to do, or dig in for the long haul. I dug in.
What do you do to enrich your writing?
That’s a good question. I re-read books from authors I admire, and I research the details of whatever I’m writing. Other than that, I just trust my instincts.
How much does real life impact your writing?
Too damn much. I can’t sit down to write until my husband and dog go to bed because they think nothing of interrupting my concentration. Plus, as you probably well know, just getting through chores and running errands takes up a good part of the day.
What author would you say inspires you the most?
Harold Robbins. His book The Adventurers is my all-time favorite.
Who is your current favorite author?
It’s a toss-up between John Grisham and Stephen King.
What was your first favorite book as a child?
Trixie Belden and The Secret of the Mansion. I still have the complete Trixie Belden series.
What advice would you give yourself if you could go back to when you first started writing?
Be careful what you wish for.
What would you consider the best thing you’ve ever done for your writing career?
Sign with Solstice Publishing. I can’t imagine that there’s a more supportive and nurturing publisher on the planet.
What would you consider the most fulfilling moment you’ve experienced as a writer?
The moment I held the first paperback copy of Dear Heart in my hands.
What book would you suggest to anyone who wants to write?
On Writing by Stephen King.